NEW "Horrortique" tanks, printed on black American Apparel tank tops! Perfect for the ladies getting in the spirit of the Halloween beatnik tiki vibe! ..And these are UNIsex tanks, so you muscle-men can wear 'em too!
Oktoberfest is here, and this is what I'm driggin'!
New t-shirt design for legendary rock n' roll band THE BLASTERS!
Blasters front man Phil Alvin recently flatlined, but has recovered and is already back on stage wreckin' havoc...This shirt is to celebrate the fact that he's still alive and rockin'!
Shawn Dickinson is a SoCal cartoonist & illustrator who draws spooky, crazy, fun, cartoony comics, album art, posters, t-shirts, stickers, all things rock n' roll, garage/punk, surf & hotrod art, car-toons, caricatures, gags, jokes, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.......