OUT TODAY, from IDW Publishing!!! New POPEYE comic book (issue #8) with Shawn Dickinson variant cover! In comic shops NOW!
Tuesday, December 04, 2012
NEW ALBUM by "the world's most dangerous kids' band" THE BOOGERS' Extractum Victoris, is out TODAY! The Boogers are a punk rock band for little kids, and this is some funny rockin' good fun!
Check out The Boogers' website, and order this album for your kids today at www.meet-the-boogers.com!
NEW "Horrortique" tanks, printed on black American Apparel tank tops! Perfect for the ladies getting in the spirit of the Halloween beatnik tiki vibe! ..And these are UNIsex tanks, so you muscle-men can wear 'em too!
Oktoberfest is here, and this is what I'm driggin'!
New t-shirt design for legendary rock n' roll band THE BLASTERS!
Blasters front man Phil Alvin recently flatlined, but has recovered and is already back on stage wreckin' havoc...This shirt is to celebrate the fact that he's still alive and rockin'!
SOUNDS OF FUZZ split 7inch vinyl, featuring the raunchy fuzz tunes of the HANGEE V and THE ANGRY BREED, and cover art featuring Rocky Arachnid (drawn by yours truly)! This is a rockin' record! Don't miss out on this one!
See the many adventures of Schitzles and his his creepy friends as they indulge in all life's finest experiences: Bier, kraut, rock n' roll, fast cars, dangerous women, surfing, life, death, love, lust, jealousy, hate, revenge, horror, laughter, jokes, art, ratwursts, cartoon violence and puke! ...plus many more surprises along the way!
Get your own copy today, along with t-shirts and art prints, available at my online CARTOON STORE!!!
New FENDER t-shirts out NOW!!!! I'm proud to announce the new Shawn Dickinson surfer "Bone Trio" skeleton t-shirt design for FENDER GUITARS!
My surfin' cartoon hot rod skeletons are now equipped with Fender guitars on these very cool surf green t-shirts!
IN BOOKSTORES NOW! I have a whole section in this new art book SURF GRAPHICS (published by Korero Books), featuring a bunch of my surf related cartoon art. Lots of other cool surf artists in here too...I really recommend it!
From vintage surf art to the latest designs, this collection is filled with brilliant color, energy, and vibe. It features the top 30 artists working on the surf graphic scene, each with a detailed biography.
I've been interviewed in one of my favorite zines, PORK!
(click page to enlarge)
This issue also features an interview with animation legend RALPH BAKSHI, plus an interview with STANLEY MOUSE, also a killer comix section (featuring a new Schitzles Der Cat comic strip)! ...Pick up a copy wherever PORK is found, or you can read the whole issue online, right here: http://internetpork.com/?p=747
New VINTAGE TORQUE t-shirts and stickers to be sold at TORQUEFEST 2012, May 4th and 5th in Maqoketa Iowa. It's gonna be the biggest one yet! Don't miss it!
Shawn Dickinson is a SoCal cartoonist & illustrator who draws spooky, crazy, fun, cartoony comics, album art, posters, t-shirts, stickers, all things rock n' roll, garage/punk, surf & hotrod art, car-toons, caricatures, gags, jokes, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.......